Menus Overview

This section provides a brief overview of the menus in Dreamweaver.

The File menu and Edit menu contain the standard menu items for File and Edit menus, such as New, Open, Save, Cut, Copy, and Paste. The File menu also contains various other commands for viewing or acting on the current document, such as Preview in Browser

The View menu allows you to see various views of your document (such as Design view and Code view) and to show and hide various kinds of page elements and various Dreamweaver tools.

The Insert menu provides an alternative to the Insert bar for inserting objects into your document.

The Modify menu allows you to change properties of the selected page element or item. Using this menu, you can edit tag attributes, change tables and table elements, and perform various actions for library items and templates.

The Text menu allows you to easily format text.

The Commands menu provides access to a variety of commands, including one to format code according to your formatting preferences, one to create a photo album, and one to optimize an image using Macromedia Fireworks.

The Site menu provides menu items to create, open, and edit sites, and to manage files in the current site.

The Window menu provides access to all of the panels, inspectors, and windows in Dreamweaver.

The Help menu provides access to Dreamweaver documentation, including help systems for using Dreamweaver, creating extensions to Dreamweaver, and reference material for a variety of languages.